New year, new me mantra.

That’s right. This year it’s just the same old me.

I’m not doing my usual New Years' resolutions and here’s why.

2019 was a rough year for me. I had a lot on my plate and even more pressure that I put on myself. It was hard and most importantly it didn’t help my personal growth.

So, this year I’ve decided to give myself a well-deserved break. Not a break in the sense of a gap year or not challenging myself, but a break in being so hard on myself.

The first step towards this: 👏 NO 👏 MORE 👏 RESOLUTIONS.

With help from an article by Sarah Bedrick (previously of Hubspot Academy), in place of setting lofty, pie in the sky, year-long resolutions I will be working on 30-day challenges. 

92% of people fail to achieve their New Years' resolution. Why? Because setting goals like that simply doesn’t work for most people.

30-day challenges are a much healthier way of goal setting because they are:

More manageable (mentally and physically). They build confidence instead of reducing it. And science says doing something for 30-days is enough time to develop a new routine around it.

Join Justine and I as we discuss breaking up with traditional resolutions and kindling a new relationship with 30-day challenges.

(And if you’re really curious here are our resolutions from last year.)