I feel like I blinked and 2019 is already over. Wasn't I just celebrating getting engaged and enjoying a trip to Mexico?

Certainly feels like it...

As we're all entering a new decade, it hit me that I'm also entering the second decade of my career. That is crazy to me!

The last 10 years have flown by, but have also seemed to linger forever. As a bright-eyed 22 year old, I had so many big goals of everything I wanted to accomplish in the first 10 years of working.

For instance, I wanted to be named as one of Forbes' 30 Under 30 and nearly triple my starting salary.

(Spoiler alert: I wasn't and I didn't.)

I often fell victim to the comparison game and would feel down on myself for not being able to achieve something in the arbitrary time I set for myself.

But as the years continued on, I changed jobs, changed roles and -- frankly -- changed priorities.

What really defines success in your career? To some, it's money. To others, it's awards and recognition.

To me? It's being able to have an impact on others' lives. 

Join Marcella and I as we discuss looking inward to determine how we measure success in our careers and why it's so important to do so.