You know the phrase, “it’s not the destination, but the journey that matters”? Well, I think if it’s the destination you want, it can still be pretty darn good. I do agree it’s the journey that matters most, which is perhaps why we find being at a plateau in our lives and businesses unfulfilling. Today we’re going to be talking about smashing the plateau.

David Shriner-Cahn is the host of the business podcast “Smashing the Plateau," the resource for business leaders who feel they have stalled. With the perspective that prosperity can be created when we have the right mindset and tools to share our gifts with the world, "Smashing the Plateau" offers a wealth of personal experiences about achieving business breakthroughs. In addition to his own show, David has been a featured guest on many podcasts, and as president of Tend Strategic Partners, David works with business leaders who need to get unstuck from a mid-career plateau, where they may be in danger of losing the spark that has helped them succeed.

WARRIOR of Persistence

“If you really want to do it, just do it”- David Shriner-Cahn

Highlights - Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of losing success, these fears keep you from taking the first step Once you take the first step, it requires having both the resources and the persistence to see the actions through long enough Keep moving forward, no matter what roadblocks you hit Description of the plateau includes elements of lack of focus and looking at something too narrowly Most people in leadership roles are risk takers Traditional media isn’t the same kind of business it was 20 years ago If you want to overcome the plateau, consider getting a coach, reach out for help 80 percent of our success comes from 20 percent of our activity Humility is not just an attractive personality trait, but a great business trait Guest Contact - David's Website David on Twitter, David on Linkedin Resources - BlueHost
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