You look around and you see people doing some pretty amazing things in the world. Whether it’s business accomplishments or changing the world for the better, things that seem impossible. Mick Ebeling is certainly one of those guys. It makes me wonder, is doing the impossible relegated to a chosen few? Or are any of us capable of doing what currently seems impossible, and if so, what stops us from breaking through believing that nothing is impossible.

A recipient of the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian of the year Award, and listed as one of the most influential creative people by The Creativity 50’s, Mick Ebeling has sparked a movement of pragmatic, inspirational, innovation. As a career producer and filmmaker, he harvests the power of technology and story, to change the world. Mick founded “Not Impossible”, a multiple award winning social innovation lab and production company on the premise that nothing is impossible.This unconventional approach brought to life highly acclaimed initiatives. The Eyewriter, Project Daniel, Don’s Voice, and most recently, Music Not Impossible, that brought the ability to draw back to a paraplegic street artist, 3D printed arms to sudanese amputees and voice, to an ALS patient who hadn’t spoken for 15 years.

WARRIOR of Not Impossible

“If you look at things that are impossible today, statistically, they are on the trajectory to being possible”- Mick Ebeling

Highlights - Mick created the eyewriter from scratch, with really no knowledge of how to do it The day after creating this open source device, thousands of outlets were covering it The Eyewriter was the start of Not Impossible Ideas start as inconceivable, and then impossible, and eventually, possible Even if you can’t fathom something becoming possible, you can fathom statistics It’s not about having proof that it can happen or it will happen, but believing in the possibility that it can happen The Department of Accessible Prosthetics is the next step for Project Daniel This project will make prosthetics accessible to thousands and thousands of others in need If not now, when? If not me, who? Guest Contact - Mick's Website Mick on Twitter, Mick on Linkedin Not Impossible's Website Daniel's Project's Website


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