What holds you up from getting started? From jumping in with both feet? From getting out there? Or what’s holding you up from your next adventure, or new business endeavor, or going to the next level? Is it feeling like you’re not ready? Or maybe it’s not perfect? Fear of not being good enough or of being criticized?

I offer a solution. Have a Beta Mind. A mindset of co-create and collaboration with those you want to serve. Instead of holding back, put your idea out in the world, to those you want to reach, get their feedback, tweak it, and put it out again. Software and technology companies have been doing this for years. As entrepreneurs and creators, we can take on the same beta mind to get our work out there and co-create to meet the needs of those we want to serve.

"Innovation for a new generation. Conceptualize, co-create, and collaborate"

-Jeffrey Shaw

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Contact Jeffrey - Website Coaching support Available for speaking Resources - Free Webinar: I'll be sharing how to leverage your creative side and use it as an advantage in business. Join me for my free webinar, How To Succeed In Business Marketing Yourself and Your Talent. Register here or text warrior to number 33444 to register and unleash your creative thinking to propel your business forward. Getting your point across in business can be tricky. Grammarly uses a browser extension to check your text for spelling and grammatical errors anytime you write something online to help you avoid mistakes in comments, tweets, and status updates. Get access to your own private editor 24/7! Regain time and transform your commute, workout or chores into fun, productive ME TIME! Audible books are offering a free audio book, try it, like it and stay or cancel and keep your free Audible book. Are YOU a Creative Warrior? Find out and take the Creative Warrior Assessment for FREE (normally $10).