Jody Aberdeen is a writer, storyteller, and professional ghostwriter. He is the indie author of the sci-fi romance novel “Convergence”, the novella “Gone Lost”, and the upcoming story “Last Variations of Paris”. He is also a former logistics professional, call centre concierge, government employee, bookstore worker, one time commercial actor, and 30 year old frat boy (the good kind).

Jody is also the host of the Ghostwriter and Pup Podcast, frequently recorded from his home in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, with his pup Bella frequently at his side.

You can find Jody on Instagram

Jody talks about a creative writing process he uses.


The name of the book on proprioceptive writing is “Writing the Mind Alive” by Linda Trichter Metcalf, Ph.D and Tobin Smith, Ph.D

The journal exercise that I’ve adapted from the book is as follows:

As you write each sentence, pay attention to any words or expressions you use that, upon reflection, seem to stand out as ambiguous or possibly containing deeper meanings.

Take that word and in the following sentence, delve deeper into what you think you mean by that word. For example, if you write “I’m really not happy with my work”, the word “happy” may stand out in your awareness.  Begin the next sentence with “by ‘happy’, I mean...” and then write whatever comes to mind.

As you continue to write, keep an eye out for other similar words or expressions that stand out, and then explore them accordingly.

Anthony Bourdain Quote that Jody all speaks of.
"Maybe that's enlightenment enough: to know that there is no final resting place of the mind; no moment of  smug clarity. Perhaps wisdom... is realizing how small I am, and unwise, and how far I have yet to go."

You can find the host Larissa Russell here:

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