Have you ever felt angry but held back from expressing it? Do you walk on eggshells around angry people? Are you proud of the fact that you never allow yourself to get angry?

In this episode we talk about Anger and why this emotion gets a bad wrap in social and religious circles. Robert explains the three levels of emotions - biological, psychological-social and spiritual aspects. We explore:

Why having a “pleasing personality” can lead to suppression of angerHow going along to get along can really hurt you in the long runHow can we work with anger in a useful way instead of out-dated and proven ineffective techniques such as pounding pillows and screaming at wallsAnger as “unexpressed passion” and how to harness the power of anger in a creative wayWhy the #metoo movement needs to be more self-aware of their own anger and make it constructive rather than destructive

Episode Exercise: Robert explains how to work with Anger using the meta-consciousness and by examining the moments the emotion.


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Life Coaching Experts and Founders of Creative Mind Coaching, Debra Berndt Maldonado and Robert Maldonado, PhD, guide smart, dynamic, and spiritually-ambitious women through a proven process to uncover the authentic Self and live in true purpose, success and fulfillment. Our private Facebook group is a safe space for women to experience life coaching based in an alchemy of higher consciousness practices from Eastern Wisdom, Jungian Psychology, and Brain Science. 

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