According to the Search Engine Journal, it appears that Google is gaining the ability to pinpoint verbalized keywords within podcasts and videos to be ranked. It’s interesting to note podcast episodes can be listened to directly from the search engine results page and will likely be able to feature the part of the episode relative to the search query.

Have a podcast? Podcast search engine optimization is finally becoming a serious thing and will likely continue to grow in 2020. Google has been slowly indexing and showing more podcasts on search engine results pages.

According to the Search Engine Journal, it appears that Google is gaining the ability to pinpoint verbalized keywords within podcasts and videos to be ranked. It’s interesting to note podcast episodes can be listened to directly from the search engine results page and will likely be able to feature the part of the episode relative to the search query.

If you want to learn more about these details and how to make your podcast more SEO friendly, read the Search Engine Journal article.