EOS Worldwide recently published a blog titled, “Bad Meetings? Try Running on Lombardi Time.” The article argues that when people complain about too many meetings, they actually mean too many bad meetings. One solution- start meetings on time.

EOS Worldwide recently published a blog titled, “Bad Meetings? Try Running on Lombardi Time.” The article argues that when people complain about too many meetings, they actually mean too many bad meetings. One solution- start meetings on time.

Legendary football coach, Vince Lombardi, was known for the quote, “Early is on time. On-time is late” and for running everything 15 minutes ahead of time.

Being early has perks like respecting others’ time and maintaining meeting effectiveness. To learn more about EOS and tips for running better meetings, read the whole article at https://blog.eosworldwide.com/blog/bad-meetings-lombardi-time.