Tim Redmond is a successful entrepreneur, speaker, coach, and CEO of Redmond Growth Consulting, an organization designed to help you grow your profits, grow your business, and grow your life through Tim’s innovative coaching process.

In this episode, we talk about Tim’s story of overcoming his speech impediment to building a successful coaching business by acting while he’s afraid, how the first product people sell are not themselves but the emotional state they’re projecting and the confidence they have in delivering their product, the importance of reputation marketing when growing your business and getting people to hire and trust you through testimonials and ratings, his method of getting into his flow state through affirmations, reading, and mantras where he speaks to himself to get connected on a spiritual level, and the importance of creating wealth on a consistent basis, but not in terms of money, but in value and how creating something with whatever you have available is true value creation that can grow businesses.

And I want to apologize about my mic throughout the interview that sounds a little distorted.  Something happened and technical difficulties made my voice extra loud but luckily, my sound mixer made it audible so enjoy!

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