Hello all!

It's a pleasure to present Michele Mekel's poetry today!

Living in Happy Valley, Michele Mekel wears many hats of her choosing: writer and editor; educator and bioethicist; poetess and creatrix; cat herder and chief can opener; witch and woman; and, above all, human. Her work has appeared in various academic and creative publications, including having her poetry featured on Garrison Keillor’s _The Writer’s Almanac. She is also a co-principal investigator for the Viral Imaginations: COVID-19 project (viralimaginations.psu.edu)._

Viral Imaginations: viralimaginations.psu.edu
On Instagram! @ShaktiEnergy

Creative Drive is an international podcast produced by J. Alejandro to bring visibility to poets from all walks of life.
Now accepting 3 poems or flash fiction! https://cruzfolio.com/you/
Acepto poesia y relatos cortos en español! https://cruzfolio.com/fuerza-creativa/
For more information about the podcast, visit https://cruzfolio.com/