Hello all! Today we feature the work of Alexander Limarev!

Did the little boy exist?
I am alive

About the Poet: Alexander Limarev, freelance artist, mail art artist, curator, poet, photographer from Siberia / Russia. Participated in more than 900 international projects and exhibitions. His artworks are part of private and museum collections of 64 countries. His artworks as well as poetry have been featured in various online publications including UNDERGROUNDBOOKS.ORG, BUKOWSKI ERASURE POETRY ANTHOLOGY (Silver Birch Press), NOKTURNO.FI, StyleBlueprint, TUCK MAGAZINE, ANGRY OLD MAN MAGAZINE, CALIBAN ONLINE MAGAZINE, GALLERY & STUDIO ARTS JOURNAL, MAINTENANT etc.

FB: https://www.facebook.com/alexander.limarev.7
Blog: http://parallels2000.blogspot.com/2014/10/alexander-limarev-1964.html

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