Hello all!
So happy to present 3 poems by Nayanjyoti Baruah!

FROM THE POET: I'm Nayanjyoti Baruah, from Assam, India. I'm pursuing M.A. in English Literature from Gauhati University. My poems have been appeared in Tayls, Rasa Literary Review, Felicity, Akhore, Meghali Budhidrom, The Fiction Project, A Too Powerful Word, Necro Magazine etc. I'm the Co-author of The Bag of Knowledge. I've written two essays and four short stories as well.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nayanjyoti2544/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nayanjyoti.baruah.3745

Creative Drive is an international podcast produced by J. Alejandro to bring visibility to poets from all walks of life.

Now accepting 3 poems or flash fiction! https://cruzfolio.com/you/

Acepto poesia y relatos cortos en espaƱol! https://cruzfolio.com/fuerza-creativa/

For more information about the podcast, visit https://cruzfolio.com/creative-drive-podcast/