Ashleigh Slater shares the transformative power of faith and community when life is hard in her brand new book, Braving Sorrow Together.

Ashleigh Slater:  A woman of many words with over 20 years of writing and a master's degree in communication. Her greatest exchange of words are with her beloved husband and their four daughters. Ashleigh is the author of 2 books including Team Us: The Unifying Power of Grace and Cooperation in Marriage.

"When I feel like control is slipping away from me, I grasp for it more." ~ Ashleigh Slater BOOK: Braving Sorrow Together CONNECT with Ashleigh Slater:

Enjoy the multitude of topics discussed including chocolate and coffee, dance, wisdom teeth, and loss. Get ready to challenge your head and heart!

Constant in life Loss (Death, Health, Job, Dream, Relationship, Control) Sun Chips and Wine Estrogen & Daddy Annie Traveling Homeschool Loss of Control Miscarriage Fear Panic Attacks Compartmentilizing Rest Me too! Unstated shame Community Brave the fear Fix it Look for the helpers Six Flags Vulnerability Loss of Health Kidney stones & Chronic pain Thicker than blood Hope Guilt Sweet Noah and Heaven Grief and miscarriages BOOK: Braving Sorrow Together CONNECT with Ashleigh Slater: "Accepting that I am not in control and grieving that loss has helped me deepen my trust in the Lord." ~ Ashleigh Slater


Quotes and statements within the interview:

"In the book, I was very purposeful not just to talk about death."

"I'm living on Sun Chips and wine."

"He's one of those guys that's a really good dad, like a dad for girls."

"It was intense. It was insane. There were moments when I was like, 'This book is not going to get written.'"

"I'm the firstborn, oldest, type A, type daughter."

"It doesn't mean my fear is rational, but it's real. I feel it."

"Ok. I'm not in control, but God, You're never out of control."

"Lord, you're not taking this away from me, so help me!"

"Priorities and knowing what those are can be a big thing in helping us when we're just not sure how to live in the chaos."

"The shame you're feeling; I get it. It's not your fault. Me too!"

"When we are going through loss, we don't want advice."

"We're created for community."

"Community means one or two trusted individuals that you already have a relationship and you already have trust with that you feel comfortable talking to."

"There's a tendency to want to fix it and make them feel better."

"It's uncomfortable to sit in someone else's pain."

"In order to heal and process it and work through it, we have to feel it."

"As we invite people to be strong for us, that's a big help in actually being able to allow ourselves to feel that deep pain."

"We don't all grieve the same."

"I know the grief for us isn't just in the health, but it's the medical bills after."

"Sometimes God doesn't give us our answer."

"You pray because it's a relationship (with God).

"Our feelings are subjective; they're not reliable."

"God was telling me...I want you to lay that down and be a stay-at-home-mom."

"Here I am: I'm nursing and I'm filling up sippy cups with milk and I just feel like my life doesn't matter as much as the people who are making a bigger impact."

"I want to be the one who helps; I don't want to be the one who's helped."

"If all of us look around and identify one or two people that we're specifically close to who's going through something and figure out ways we can be supportive to them, then we can live this out without having overwhelm ourselves and caring too much of a burden and guilt that we're not being everything to everybody."


When people say the wrong things, ask yourself these questions. What's their motivation? What are their experiences? What are they bringing to this? How can I give grace as they're trying to be there for me? How can we walk in to those feelings knowing what's on the other side? Make the decision to acknowledge feelings. Feel the feelings even when it's really hard. Have your community for support. Remember scripture. What do you tell the person wanting hope in God? Do you still see me? Look for the little ways that you see His love. God can take the hard questions. What has your story gifted you? Empathy

"It's given me more empathy for other people."

"The hard parts and the good parts of my story have maybe helped me connect with people better, than if I hadn't walked through those things."


Resources mentioned in the episode: BOOK: Braving Sorrow Together CONNECT with Ashleigh Slater: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:


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ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.



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Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

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