About Our Guest:

Jerrod Delaine has worked in real estate private equity, consulting, not-for-profit advising and project managing. His efforts have included asset management, acquisitions, construction and development due diligence. He is currently the Director of Development for Carthage Real Estate Advisors LLC.  Carthage is a Harlem based development firm focused on affordable and market rate residential development.

Episode Summary:

Jerrod talks about the process and hidden expenses of home buying in New York City, managing your finances and tips to get and keep your credit up. He shares his strategies to work-life balance and some amazing quotes to live by.

Insights From The Episode:

Insights into what gentrification is Addressing limited housing resources Getting involved in the real estate game Understanding emotions vs. the reality of real estate The importance if building bonds, networking and forming strong relationships in graduate school The importance of building your credit and saving to purchase a home in New York The secrets to keeping your revolving credit lines down PMI: what it is and how it works The hidden fees a home shopper can run into Building wealth off of credit Programs for first time home buyers Strategies for home buying Balancing family and work life Self-care rituals

Quotes From The Show:

“We have to work at how to preserve our resources..one of the primary ways is ownership,”- Jerrod Delaine episode #109.


“Real estate is an emotional thing...the place where your home is,”- Jerrod Delaine episode #109


“The world is changing around us literally,” - Jerrod Delaine episode #109


“America is built on ownership, all of the laws, rules taxes it all benefits those who own this place,” - Jerrod Delaine episode #109


“What is great about this business is you can make a couple good decisions and see exponential benefits,” - Jerrod Delaine episode #109


“Real estate is about forming relationships...but that is in a lot of other industries too,” - Jerrod Delaine episode #109


“You need to have that money saved up and ready for this journey you are running down,” - Jerrod Delaine episode #109


“Even some of the biggest companies in the world, in real estate, use leverage,” - Jerrod Delaine episode #109


“We can do more together, than we can as individuals,” - Jerrod Delaine episode #109


“Failure is not an option, be desperately dedicated,” - Jerrod Delaine episode #109


“The other part of gentrification in our neighborhood is we don’t own a lot of businesses in our community and support those businesses.”  - Jerrod Delaine episode #109


Resources Mentioned: I-Phone, Evernote

Real Estate Development: The Process by Jerrod Delaine

Real Estate Development-Gentrification by Jerrod Delaine

Real Estate Development: What is it? by Jerrod Delaine

Favorite Quote: “Desperately dedicated” - Jerrod Delaine episode #109

“Cherish this moment, the next one is always better,” - Jerrod Delaine episode #109


Favorite Book:   

I Will Teach You How To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason


Three keys to creating your best life:  

Figure out your goals.  What will make you happy and are you working toward it? Figure out how you can build for your family. Give back.


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Guest Name: Jerrod Delaine  






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