About Our Guest:


Atima Lui is a Harvard business school grad who started the company Nudest.

Nudest is a company building patent-pending skin tone matching technology for humans of every color with computer vision and machine learning. Nudest is a technology solution to make it possible for people to find products that match their skin tone.  With a team consisting of software engineers Nudest’s website was created to offer the products which are “changing the definition of nude.” The patent-pending Nude Meter is available now on nudest.co.


Episode Summary

Atima Lui discusses creating tech that redefines the standard of beauty for the world, secrets to staying confident, and the importance of sharing vision while leading the industry.


Insights From the Episode:


Nude doesn’t match 84% of the global population Love thyself techniques The importance of surrounding yourself with positive, supportive and encouraging people.   Finding resources to inspire you.   The importance of commiserating with a group of like-minded peers. Having goals that are clear about where you are heading. The importance of motivation is crucial.   Staying focused on your number one goal.   The importance of getting feedback from your target market before moving ahead Knowing when to pivot Addressing your mental health needs Secrets to staying confident in yourself The importance of expressing the overall vision to the team The importance of celebrating every little thing as a team Secrets to working with family Shades of a product Insight on the ratio of working vs. planning


Quotes From The Show


Nudest is, “Changing the standard of beauty to match the full range of diversity in human skin.”  Atima Lui episode #108


“Some of the best start up ideas seem like a no brainer.” Atima Lui episode #108


“I think that when you are a little start up it is a big deal when you have a big company willing to negotiate with you... Just getting that seat at the table is massive and worthy of celebrating.” Atima Lui episode #108


Atima Lui spent her youth “subconsciously consciously taking in imagery of what beauty is supposed to look like.”  Atima Lui episode #108

"Learning my past, learning all of the people from whom i have benefitted and the shoulders that I stand on that is a big part of feeling proud and black” - Atima Lui Episode #108

"I have had to cut out some friends who are more about competition over community” - Atima Lui Episode #108

“I am around people who see my success as their success”  - Atima Lui Episode #108

“Look inside yourself for what you are supposed to do with your life” - Atima Lui Episode #108


"If you’re going to have a life partner…that person needs to be radically supportive of you, not just when it’s convenient for this person’s career… this person needs to see your success as their success, be willing to sacrifice for you to get where you need to be” - Atima Lui Episode #108

“You have to create a standard and everybody else who comes into the arena they need to live by it, you also have to offer an experience and make people want to show up and that's a part of being authentic as well” - Kevin Y. Brown  Episode #108

“Somebody might reject you right now, that's because they don’t know who you are, it will come full circle and they’ll be asking for your help or to work with you or they will have respect for you or they’ll find out not too long after.” - Kevin Y. Brown  Episode #108

“Rejection is not final, the real key is not to internalize it" - Kevin Y. Brown  Episode #108

“Everything is not for you, but something is and that something nobody can take away” - Kevin Y. Brown  Episode #108


Resources Mentioned: Shopify


Favorite Quote: “Done is better than perfect.” Sheryl Sandberg


Favorite Book:  Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg


Three keys to creating your best life:  

Not to look outside yourself, but to look inside yourself for what you are supposed to do with your life.   If you are going to have a life partner, that person needs to be radically supportive of you. You want to find something that you are incredibly passionate about.  The entrepreneur life is incredibly hard, so you have to do something that makes you happy so you can go back and say, I’m enjoying this.  That way, as they say, you will never work a day in your life.


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Guest Name: Atima Lui  







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