Summer is just around the corner and we’re all “gearing up for summer” and trying to get rid of our winter bodies!!

Oh, if you know me, you know I’m going to be bringing some light to this situation in this podcast. This “summer Body” is such toxic BS and it’s doing more harm than good…unless you’re the diet industry!!

These summer bodies, beach bodies, or whatever they are calling it these days have a huge toll on our mental health. SURRREE, skinny is healthy…IS IT?? I mean who doesn’t want to be able to show off their 5 pack and tight booty in their new bikini at the beach and pool parties???

Isn’t that what’s getting all the attention these days? …as a LOT of us look at our body with disgust thinking IF ONLY we could lose that winter weight, then summer would be awesome!!! 

This type of thinking has a toll on our mental health. Besides making us unhappy with our own bodies and distressed because of what others might think of us, it can cause some of us to dive into eating disorders, anxiety, and depression. This diet culture is conveying the wrong message, yet so many are buying into it. 

Just take a look at social media and everything that’s out there promoting it. Some of it, if not ALL of it can be VERY unhealthy. Oh, come on…” how in the world can this be unhealthy”?

Oh, don’t worry, I’m about to talk about all of it. 

It's time we change this toxic narrative and start to appreciate our bodies for what they do for us. We are so much more than a number on the scale or a size!!