So many of us are all about which diet we will do next and who is seeing the results we’re wanting. 

Maybe you just started the “Whole 30” because you want to lose some weight. ⁣⁣

⁣You realize now you can’t eat sugar, bread, or drink alcohol for 30 days. You start losing your mind! “Omg, what am I gonna do?”

In this episode, I’m giving a quick rundown of WHAT’s REALLY in a DIET. 

What do you have to “give up” in order to see results? 

What do you do AFTER the said diet ends? 

Ask yourself these questions before you go jumping to the next diet: 

“Is this something I can continue doing for the long term?”

“Is this sustainable for me?” ⁣⁣

It’s no wonder why we continue to struggle. These diets are a LIFE SUCK!!! It’s not a diet you need…sorry to break that to you but it’s the honest truth. 

If you’re struggling over and over again you need to start focusing on building a lifestyle YOU can stick to.  ⁣⁣

That starts with NOT restricting certain foods and eating QUALITY foods, walking, doing strength training, getting enough sleep, hydrating, building healthy habits, eating more fruits and veggies, alleviating some stress, and being consistent and patient.

It took me a while to understand this and I now teach it to my clients and they are seeing amazing changes in their lives!!

Hope this helps! ⁣⁣