If you have been following me for a while, you already know the answer to that question…


In this episode, I’m going to be talking about the pros and cons of actually DITCHING the DIETS for good. 


Have you ever thought about how yo-yo diets affect your overall health? 


Getting off the yo-yo diet rollercoaster is a much more health-conscious choice than sticking with them because diets don’t work! ( SHOCKER)


They can negatively impact your relationship with food, your body and really your overall physical and mental health. 💁🏼‍♀️


I 100% understand though that letting go of something that is all you’ve known in the “health” space can be freakin scary! TRUST me when I say I KNOW…been there, done that and lived to tell about it! 


Here are a few Pros and COns I will be discussing in this episode: 


You don’t have to stress about going out with friends that you’ll go over your numbers You can TRUST yourself around food You can start to accept and respect your body instead of hating it and always trying to change it …and a few more…



Leaving behind the “only thing” you know can be scary You may feel you have lost control …and a few more…


Let’s face the truth here when we’re talking about health…The diet industry does NOT put your health first, they put their profit first. 


The more we can understand and accept this, the less money that goes into this KAJILLION dollar industry that only preys on our insecurities!! 

If you feel your pros are outweighing your cons, whether you feel ready to ditch diets or not, book in for a FREE DISCOVERY CALL! Let’s chat more about where you’re at with all of this!