“I’m going to wait until the New Year to start?”


If I had a dime for every time I heard those words in the last few weeks…


In this episode, I’m dropping some truth bombs about how waiting to start your journey can cost you..


The best time to start may be right now. There are many reasons why you should start your wellness journey —after all, there’s no time like the present.


I get it, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, and put off your own goals for a healthier you, BUT, let me say it once again…

There is no time like the present to start thinking about and taking action towards your goals.  


In fact, putting off your goals could actually be causing you more stress.


I feel we stop dead in our tracks because we are scared not because it’s a busy season. There’s always going to be SOMETHING...and there really is no perfect time to start. 

Don’t be afraid of failure...be afraid of being in the same exact spot you are next year. 


Why NOW?? 


Well, what’s it costing you to stay stuck where you are right now? 

Your health, relationships, maybe a job?

How you feel about yourself? Your mental, emotional and physical health? 

That all adds up down the road…


BUT you can make a decision RIGHT NOW to change that and that’s exactly what I’m bringing in this podcast. 


Let’s dive right in...


If you are stuck, frustrated, sick of yo-yo dieting and want to reclaim your health, and would like a little group support and some awesome tips on nutrition and exercise for lasting weight loss and lifestyle balance...come join us in our free Facebook Group

This group is specifically for women who want and need a different approach to weight loss and health...an approach from the inside, out!