In this episode I’ll be talking about how to promote a healthy relationship with food a body with your children. I know with all the info out there in social media and TV our children are exposed to so many different avenues of body image and weight that it can be difficult to know what to do. 

I feel the most important thing is to start with ourselves and the example we are setting. So…what kind of example are you setting for your children? 

Many of my clients reach out  to me because they have struggled, often since childhood, with disordered eating, chronic dieting, and body hatred and desperately do not want to pass that on to their child. 

In this podcast I reveal a few ideas to protect your children from food and body shame..


Enjoying meals as a family Not having any off limit foods ( listen with an open mind and you’ll understand where I’m coming from) Not categorizing food as good or bad Modeling balanced eating Refraining from associating food choices with body size Keeping exercise as fun and not a punishment ( it’s called HEALTHY movement for a reason)  Not speaking about your appearance or size in a negative way.

These are just a few of the tips I discuss in this episode…keep in mind that we as parents are setting the example and we want it to be a good one so we can break this cycle once and for all.