When is comes to weight loss and calories, it seems the “magic” number is 1200 calories. 

In this episode, I am going to break that all down for you. The diet indusrty is promoting the eat as little as possible, lose some ( water) weight, see results ( temporarily) and then gain it back and then some…only to go on another diet that does the same thing.  Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Well, it is and it’s NOT working. 

SO, how many caloires should you be eating if you want to lose weight or maintain what you’ve lost. First off, in order to actually lose weight and keep it off, you MUST lose fat, not water. These quick fix, magic, bullshit low caloire diets will only get you water loss and that is NOT sustainable. Let’s break it all down and see how many caloires you actually need in a day to just survive and then we can talk the number you need for ( sustainable) weight loss.