In this episode, I talk about health being a little bit more than just diet and exercise. It may be a little different than what I was actually thinking it was back then. Heck, I was getting in my workouts and eating “clean” or what I thought was WHY did I feel like crap? 


How healthy are you? I’ll be talking a little bit about my story and my health at the time along with some of the following…

Nutrition Exercise Sleep Hormones Socal LIfe Mental Health Mindset

There’s really a lot more to our health than we actually realize, in this episode, you’ll discover all aspects of health and how to balance is by finding out what might just be missing in your life. I’ll talk about how we can redefine health and take it beyond just diet and exercise. 

I also note that I would include the link for my webinar on how you can 4 Quick and Easy Strategies to Help You Find Balance & Get Your Life Back

Check out my blog that follows this podcast

To find out more about how I help women get off of the emotional diet rollercoaster, head on over to my website @