In this episode I’m discussing the “feelings” that come with weight loss, or should I say the ones we sometimes chase for way too long. 


Is it REALLY the weight loss that will bring us the feelings we’re longing for OR is it just the actual feeling we want to FEEL? 


So what the heck am I talking about’ll have to go listen to the podcast to hear my full details BUT I talk a little bit about: 


How it may not REALLY be the weight loss you want but it’s the HAPPINESS you do. ( It’s the FEELING) 


How IF you can’t be happy now- at exactly the weight you’re at today-you won’t be happy at your goal weight ( go ahead and ask me how I know,I pretty much lived this one) 


Understanding these 2 and the fact that it's’ not really weight loss you want ( which there’s nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight) but the FEELING you think you will have when you lose the weight will be a HUGE factor in your success or lack thereof. 


We need to start practicing those HAPPY feelings RIGHT NOW at the exact weight we’re at. 




SO let’s dive in...


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This group is specifically for women who want and need a different approach to health. An approach that starts from the inside, out!