I’m trying something new.

In the coming weeks, and possibly months of the podcast I’ve decided that I’m going to take select inspirational quotes from my free audio ebook and PDF 57 Ways to Monetize Your Gifts and expand on my and listener/reader favorites on a special bonus edition series of podcast episodes I’ll be rolling out this fall.

When I launched the show 5 months ago on April 9th my aim was and still is to make it a weekly show, I don’t know if you listened to my first episode I’ll link to it in the show notes but I used to have a another podcast I started about 5 years and abandoned it because naively I thought I could do a five day a week show! Silly me, right?

Well I quickly learned that that wasn’t feasible so unfortunately like a lot us creatives I got over-excited and then quickly realized I bit off more than I could chew

So fast forward when I launched this Podcast my expectation was to focus on consistency and less on trying to take on more than I could chew so... with that in mind I feel after 5 months it’s time to change things up a little and start some dabbling with some experiences and experiments

My first is to try to do shorter episodes like under 15 minutes from time to time

And to make those short episodes more on Mindset and creative thinking instead of strategy because I don’t about you but I’m kinda strategized out

Because here’s the deal about strategy, at least what I’ve learned. You can have the best strategy and tactics in the world but if your head isn’t in the right place then it’s like not ever knowing the strategy

So while I still plan to have teaching episodes I think it’s super important to share nuggets of wisdom and inspiration to help you my listeners who I’m so grateful to get your mind in the right place so you can not only take action but full good about the actions you’re taking so I hope that sounds good to you.

Do let me know how this is landing for you by connecting with me on Instagram the link to do that is also in the show notes

Feel free to DM on the gram and let me know if the topics I’m talking about is helping you or not. Maybe there’s another you’d like me to explore if so I’m all ears ok?

So here we go today’s inspirational quote is taken from my free audio ebook 57 Ways to monetize your gifts and you can get your copy at http://getpaidforyourcreativity.com/57waysgift

So today quote is Key #7

“Going for more is easy, actually it’s playing small that’s hard. Don’t believe me? Ask anybody dreading going to work tomorrow morning”

The inspiration for this quote came to me about 20 years ago when I was rushing to work to get to a job that to say I hated would be a gross understatement

Fast forward having running my own business for the past 13 years as challenging as that can be and is still to this day it’s still never as frustrating as spending my days doing something that just felt so soul draining.

So... with that said if you’re at a place where maybe you’re working at a job, or a business or with clients that’s draining you and you’re holding yourself back, not going for more (and I’m not just talking about money) I’m talking about transforming what you’re doing to only doing activities that make you happy and make you grow then it’s time to recognize that and force yourself to make a change.

You’ve only got one life, if you’re not happy then you have the power to change it, remember it’s your life, it’s not, dress rehearsal and when it’s done, it’s done

Whenever you find yourself struggling, being negative, frustrated ask yourself...

“Where am I playing small?”

You’re just one action away from a life-changing opportunity

Take action and live well!