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Episode 025 Show Notes
I’d like to start this episode with a quote…
Surrender the need to KNOW before you act

This is one of my favorite quotes because as creatives we can get caught up in overthinking and overthinking, in my opinion, will rob you of your living your best life.

So what causes overthinking?

Simple… Control

You might think as I did that if you can control what happens, including other people and ultimately circumstances that you will increase the odds that the thing you want will come to pass easier.

But that’s not really what you’re trying to control

What people addicted to control is really trying to control is our own emotions and reactions to people, circumstances, and outcomes.

In other words, what we’re really saying is

“I won’t be able to handle this if what I’m working for doesn’t happen”

So since we can’t control other people, circumstances and the need to know how things are going to turn out we absolutely can control our reactions and thusly our emotions.

Keeping that in mind ask yourself is there anything that you’ve been holding back?

Perhaps there’s a creative project you’ve been wanting to start like creating an online art course or writing a book, launching your jewelry line for fear you won’t be able to handle the results if they aren’t as you hope?

Do you find yourself procrastinating by over researching, or waiting until you get the money, or until you quit your job or get a new one, or move, or get a divorce or get married, or wait until your kids are in school or whatever reason you’re giving yourself not to start?

I challenge you to examine the stories and reasons you’re telling yourself why you have to wait and ask yourself one simple question.

“Is that true?” Or is this a stalling tactic to keep me safe?”

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