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Episode 023 Show Notes

Believe it or not, we’ve officially entered the last quarter of 2019!

Soon, a new year will be upon us, 2020! But you don’t have to wait until the clock strikes midnight to start thinking about the things you want to accomplish so you can finish the remainder of this year with a bang and get yourself on the right path for the new year and that’s what this episode is all about!

How to Use SMART Goals To Create The Life You Want Now

It’s inevitable that at the start of any year we feel compelled to dust off our dreams and try to get into action on long-held on our goals.

The problem is usually within weeks if not days into the new year somewhere along the way we fall off the wagon and our dreams go back into the box not to be seen or thought of again until the next year.

Unfortunately, once we develop a pattern of creating resolutions but never committing to taking consistent action towards their achievement we eventually stop dreaming, if this sounds like you don’t feel bad or beat yourself up.

In my experience, we aren’t taught how to create actionable goals that support our path to achieving what we want in life. This is key, so much so it bears repeating.

"If you don’t create actionable goals that support you on your path to achieving them you will fail.”

To see the complete show notes including links to all of the resources mentioned including access to a special bonus summary guide to accompany today's show, visit 
