In episode 11 of the podcast (3 Lessons from My First 60 Days of Running The Podcast (and how you can apply them to every project you create) I talked about the power of choice and the importance of choosing well.

If you missed it, in Lesson 3, I talked about a newly released book I just finished reading called, Choose: The Single Most Important Decision Before Starting Your Business by Ryan Levesque.

What the authors created here is a perfect roadmap to helping creative entrepreneurs discover their sweet spot.

It’s my sincere hope that you’ll use Choose to help you make the best possible business decision to support your creative expression and bank account.

Visit show notes to get my key takeaways from the book, plus a bonus video tutorial Research Your Next Profitable Idea Using Google Trends, Google, Amazon, Udemy, and Skillshare.

Again, I feel what the authors created here is a perfect roadmap to helping creative entrepreneurs discover their sweet spot. It’s my sincere hope that you’ll use Choose to help you make the best possible business decision to support your creative expression and bank account.