Here's a quote from our episode sponsor: 57 Ways To Monetize Your Gifts and Create True Security For Yourself!

“Nobody cares how much you know until you show how much you care, don't believe me? Ask a disappointed customer.”⠀

It’s been said that acquiring a new customer is anywhere from 5-25X more expensive than keeping an existing one, in this episode of the podcast I’m going to give you some tips and strategies on 5 ways to up your customer service game by keeping your existing customers happy so they’ll reward you with new referrals on auto-pilot.

In a former life, I worked as a trainer at the Four Seasons hotels and regardless if you’ve stayed at one of their properties or not the #1 thing the company prides itself on is creating the best experience possible for its customers.

Extensive data is collected on its guests so no matter what property you’re visiting it’s known company-wide your likes and dislikes. No matter if you’re in Shanghai or the Maldives if you’re allergic to feather pillows you don’t have to tell them, they know.

So with that, Listen in to get these five specific ways to up your customer appreciation practices and turn paying clients and customers into raving fans that reward you with repeat business and referrals.

1. Collect Data As You Onboard New Customers

2. Celebrate Their Wins

3. Send Something Physical

4. Set Up A New Customer Onboarding Email Sequence

5. Demonstrating You Care Always Outweighs Touting Features

Go Here to get the full show notes for this episode including all of the resources mentioned.

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