#016. Jenny Mazzola is a Garden State Girlchoir choir mom. And she is a chorister in her own right as a member of the fledgling Sparrow Women's Chorale. Jenny has been singing in choirs since she was the age of her own daughters, both of whom are serious choristers. Grace and Megan come by their love of choral music honestly! Grace, a senior at Pitman High School, has already decided she wants to be a choir director. Not a solo performer who is going to major in music education as a "back up." Grace is going into choral music, because choral music is in Grace. Megan is in her own right an extraordinary young woman and chorister. Today, Friday, is NOT "Let the Choir Kid Talk." It's let the Choir PARENT talk. We'll discover what the conversation is at home about whether or not to let choristers sing in person outside, or inside, when the weather turns cold. These are tough questions for choir parents. One thing is certain. Without Choir Parents, there would no children's choirs. If there weren't children's choirs, there'd be no university choral programs, no adult choirs, and no audience members at choral concerts. So today's episode is dedicated to Jenny and all choir parents, who are normally the unsung heroes of children's choirs. But not today!
Wanna travel with host Steve Fisher and Commonwealth Youthchoirs to South Africa in 2021 - ALL EXPENSES PAID? Sign up for the Corona Choir email list at coronachoir.org. Because SOMEBODY is going to South Africa! You'll find this episode's show notes at coronachoir.org as well.