This Week’s Episode Is A Great Conversation With Legend In The Fitness Industry Coach Scott Abel.  Scott Has Nearly 50 Years of Experience In The World of Health & Fitness Ranging From His Own Career As A Bodybuilder Through Is Evolution Into An Expert Trainer and Online Coach. Scott Has A Lifetime of Knowledge, Experience, Research, Stories, Success, Results, and Is Truly A Vat of Fitness Information That Can Not Be Replicated. His Work Has (And Continues To Help) Many People Get A Grip On Their Health and Gain A Sense of Empowerment Around Their Fitness Journey With A No Nonsense Approach To Reality.  Beyond That Scott Is A Scholar, Author of Countless Books On Mindset, Nutrition, Training, and The Psychology That Engulfs All Of It.  In This Episode We Talk About His History, Diets, Mindset Shifts, How Beautiful Canada Is, The Karate Kid, and A Ton More! I Know You’ll Get A Lot Out of This! Stick Around For The Fun, You Are Going To Love It! 

Topics Include…

The Many Achievements That Have Made Scott Abel The Legend He Is Today  Deciphering Information In A Wild West World of Content Dealing With Social Media Posts & Trolls Sometimes You Have To Hear The Hard Truth Your Facts and My Facts …What Does This Even Mean? Getting Off of The Lunacy Cycle of Diet Struggles  Letting Go of Your Own Shtick and Facing Reality  Can You Be Open Minded Enough To Change Even When You Don’t Want To  Is Putting Butter In Your Coffee Actually Normal? Taking Pictures of Your Fettuccine Meal Shows Our Societal Change  Stop Looking At Right Now and Look Down The Road You Can’t Solve Long Term Problems With A Social Media Post  The Problem Isn’t What You Don’t Know, It’s What You Think You Know That Just Aint So Instituting New Thought Patterns Into An Old Mind  The Overlooked Lessons From The Karate Kid How Social Work Has Helped Develop Strategies To Reach People  Pet Hippos, Left Handed Screw Drivers, Solitude’s Serenity, Refeed Days, and More! 

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