This episode has been six months in the making. There have been a number of things that have happened in the past year, including two health scares, that required me to pause and shift my focus to my health and my family. 

So much of my identity has been wrapped up in posting on Instagram and sharing with my community, but when my health wasn't there, showing up became almost impossible except for my brands and 1:1 clients.

Lately, I’ve been leaning into self-sourcing and letting myself move through these experiences without adding on the extra layer of content creation, unless it feels totally aligned.

Get the Full Show Notes & Journal Prompts

Topics Covered:

Moving through the feelings that come up when you’re visible in your brand 

The tools I’ve been relying on to navigate uncertainty 

Realizing where I was living out of alignment with my authentic self 

Learning to love the magic and the hot mess (and everything in between) 

What showing up means to me during this season of my life

Please tag me @chefcarlacontreras on Instagram so I can continue the conversation with you. Use the hashtag #showupfullypodcast

Eat Well,

xo Chef Carla

PS: Curious about my Health Coach journey? Get a free classes in this this episode

Disclaimer: I am a professionally trained chef and certified holistic health coach; I am also Nutritious Life certified. I am not a nutritionist or RD. I am not a doctor or qualified healthcare professional.

The information contained on this site is my opinion based on research and personal experience unless otherwise stated and should not be substituted for qualified medical advice.

Health-related information is in no way intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any medical or other condition.

Always seek the counsel of a qualified medical practitioner or other healthcare providers for an individual consultation before making any significant changes to your diet and lifestyle or to answer questions about specific medical conditions.

There may be affiliate links used on this site. I only promote products that I LOVE. Thank you for supporting my Latinx & Women-Owned small business!

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