Most creatives would agree that giving yourself to the creative process is vital to your success as a creative. It is vital to creating authentic work worth sharing with the world. And we all have our own version of that creative process.

Michael Yankoski s creative process is unique in that it is highly experiential.

It could be said it is like throwing yourself into the creative fire. What has emerged for author and speaker, Michael Yankoski is thoughtful, authentic, moving work. The kind of work that shatters previously held presuppositions about the world.

Michael choose to spend five months living on the street in an effort to better understand what it is like to be homeless. The result of that experience was his book Under The Overpass.

His most recent experiential, creative endeavor resulted in his new book The Sacred Year that releases today (September 16, 2014). This book is the culmination of a year spent exploring ancient and modern spiritual practices in an effort to not just talk about a life of faith but actually experience it.

As Michael joins Dane in this episode of Converge they talk about his various life experiences and how his creativity is shaped by the power of those experiences. They also discuss the challenges of creating in the context of the creative community. In Michael’s case it was publishing a book and navigating the tension between working with a publisher and staying true to his creative vision as an artist.

If you enjoy this episode of Converge be sure to check out Michael s work and even consider grabbing a copy of The Sacred Year. You can also find him on Facebook and Twitter @michaelyankoski.

Thanks to Triple Scoop Music for providing the music for today s show and thanks to our wonderful audio producer Anna Queza of AQreative.

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