I didn’t lose myself when I became a mom. I didn't lose myself through infertility and I didn't lose myself through miscarriage.

Instead, some of the hardest and most beautiful moments of my life have been the start of the most incredible transformation of my life. I am unrecognizable in the most beautiful ways.

And here is the thing. So are you.

Mama, welcome to Fight Back Motherhood. This podcast isn't meant to change you. It's meant to help you discover yourself. The new you buried underneath spit up, tired eyes, and a love thats so heavy you can't even describe it. The new you who is facing the biggest battle of her life through infertility and miscarriage.

I'm Kelsey Smith and my job is to help you understand the importance of taking care of ourselves physically and mentally first so we can be the best mommas for these beautiful babies. We are in this together. It's time to fight back.

Follow me on Instagram: @allthingskelsey.

Resources for YOU:

Follow me on Instagram Fight Back Motherhood Course FREE 5 Day Self Care Email Series for Moms