The other day when I was on a walk with Saylor, I put on a random John Maxwell podcast about momentum. 

As a leader to a team of my own, I found myself thinking about what I was learning and how I could apply it build momentum there. But one line hit me like a ton of bricks: 

"Momentum begins with the individual leader." 

I stopped. 
I thought about it. 
Then I asked myself a question...

"Kelsey, where did YOUR momentum go?" 

I quite literally sprinted home and pulled out every John Maxwell book I had, found pages on momentum, and started reading. John says momentum comes from vision, passion, and energy. 

When was the last time I poured into my vision?
When was the last time I was passionate?
My energy? LOL, that's tanked. 

In that moment, I realized my focus right now needs to be inward. I shut everything down that afternoon, pulled out a google document and started writing down my vision. I wrote down IN DETAIL who I wanted to be in all areas of my life. I asked myself what I needed to do to be more passionate, IGNITE more energy. Within one hour, I came up with my plan.

I am committing to a 100 Day Momentum Challenge beginning Monday. 

If I want my life to change, I need to take small actions every single day to ensure it happens. 

I'll be sharing more about this tomorrow and what it looks like, but I have NEVER been so serious about anything in my life and I know when 100 days go by... I am going to be in a completely different place personally, financially, with God, in my career, in my marriage, with my health, in my friendships, and as a mother. 

Listen to this update for information on the challenge and tag me on Instagram at @allthingskelsey if you decide to jump in! 

Resources for YOU:

Follow me on Instagram Fight Back Motherhood Course FREE 5 Day Self Care Email Series for Moms