In this episode, I have a great conversation about chatbots, artificial intelligence, machine learning and much more with my guest Jordi Torras, the founder of Inbenta, who focuses on AI and Natural Language Processing for chatbots and search engines.


Questions Asked


Tell us about your background.

Why do you focus on AI (artificial intelligence)?

Do you think that computers will ever become self aware?

Tell us about Inbenta.

What is a chatbot?

Do chatbots continually learn?

How do chatbots work on the backend?

Tell us about intents and utterances.

How is machine learning helping chatbots know more?

Explain what symbolic AI is?

What is language?

How do we embed a chatbot in the world that you want it to learn more about?

What's the difference between learning and acquiring a language?

What's the difference between AI, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing?

Give us an example of symbolic AI.

Tell us about AIML?

What kind of skills do developers need to have to work with chatbots?

How do buyer personas affect a chatbot?

What is sentiment detection?

How do you give chatbots the company's personality?

What is conversation flow and how is it set up?

Is there a tool or standard for implementing conversation flow?

How can we make chatbots more human like?

What are your thoughts on avatars for chatbots?

What is the uncanny valley or zombie affect?


Reference Links


Inbenta (