In this episode, I chat with Gerard Klijs, a microservices developer who contributes to open source GraphQL projects, all about GraphQL, including subscriptions, queries and mutations.


Questions Asked


Tell us about your background.

Explain what a microservice is.

Can microservices be hosted in AWS Lambda?

What do you like the most about GraphQL?

What is introspection?

What's the difference between REST and GraphQL?

Tell us about over fetching and under fetching in REST APIs.

What are some challenges with GraphQL?

Is GraphQL language agnostic?

Is GraphQL protocol agnostic?

Can GraphQL be used as a "front end" to combine multiple data sources?

What is a GraphQL schema?

What are GraphQL queries?

What are GraphQL mutations?

What are GraphQL subscriptions?

What is a scalar in GraphQL?

What is an object in GraphQL?

What are input types in GraphQL?

What are fragments in GraphQL?

What are resolvers in GraphQL?

What are enums in GraphQL?

What are interfaces in GraphQL?

Tell us about Apollo, Yoga and other tools available for GraphQL.

What tools do you need to run and implement GraphQL?