In this episode I’ll be chatting all about Javascript with my guest Daniel Cortes, a self taught developer who’s been working on web projects for the last 8 years. Daniel is currently a lead front end developer at Albert, an ed tech company.


Questions Asked


Tell us about your background.

What attracted you to Javascript?

What do you like the most from Javascript?

What would you like to see change in Javascript?

Is there a standard way of coding in Javascript?

What's the difference between vanilla Javascript and a Javascript Framework?

Can you learn Javascript Frameworks without understanding fully vanilla Javascript?

Is Javascript synchronous or asynchronous?

What is the "await" keyword?

What's the difference between prototypes and ES6 Classes?

What are arrow functions?

How's the "this" keyword treated with arrow functions?

What are promises in Javascript?

What is a use case for a promise?

What are callbacks?

Tell us about the spread operator in Javascript.

What are symbols in Javascript?

What are primitives?

What are classes and objects?

What are generator functions?

What are proxies?

What are Javascript modules?

What are Javascript closures?

What would you like to see in Javascript in the future?


Reference Links


Dan’s Website (

Dan’s Twitter (

Twitter Mentions