It's a question marketers all over the world face - "Are trade shows worth it?" We get this question time and again and are often asked which industry trade shows are best to attend and exhibit at. After all,  89% of technical buyers said they plan to attend at least one in-person industry event this year. Last week, TREW Crewers Lee Chapman, Kara Moon, and Kasey Tyring attended the Automate trade show in Chicago to uncover the value of trade shows and what marketing and sales strategy can make your company stand out in a sea of other exhibitors on the show floor. 

We discuss their impressions of the show, the booths and attractions that stood out to them, and the cool tech they saw. 

Key Takeaways

Attending trade shows can be a valuable opportunity to connect with prospects and stay competitive in the industry.Interactive booths and attractions can make it easier for attendees to engage with exhibitors.Timely follow-ups, such as same-day emails, can help maintain the momentum and interest generated at the trade show.Collaborating with other companies in the industry can enhance credibility and create a more impactful presence.Creative marketing strategies, such as limited swag giveaways and exclusive events, can help attract attendees and generate leads.Trade show planning should involve a balance between eye-catching demos and targeted marketing efforts to attract quality leads.Having a well-defined strategy and follow-up plan is crucial for maximizing the results and ROI of attending a trade show.

Show Notes

 Connect with Kara on LinkedInConnect with Kasey on LinkedInConnect with Lee on LinkedInConnect with Wendy on LinkedInLearn more about AutomateRelated Episode: How European Engineers Seek Information and Make Technical Buying DecisionsRelated Episode: Nimble Event Strategy in Electronics