Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz artwork

Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz

1,560 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 1 month ago - ★★★★★ - 3.4K ratings

In Washington, politicians are full of half-truths and hot air. They do little more than grandstanding by spouting off talking points and spin. The Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz is here to help you cut through the rhetoric and noise and explore the politically right way to think about the issues .

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NDAA and Budget Bills Are the Two Most Important Leverage Points | 7/12/23

July 12, 2023 16:49 - 1 hour

If we really believe our civilization is in existential crisis, we have an obligation to act and use concrete leverage points to enact the agenda we claim to support. Today, I explain why the NDAA and appropriation bills should bring all hands on deck to pressure Republicans into holding the line. Unfortunately, conservative influencers are busy focusing on nonsense. They have become groupies who negate the talking points on the very issues they claim to care about. They obsess over elections...

There Is No Freedom until We Clip the Wings of the Federal Reserve | Guest: Alex Pollock | 7/11/23

July 11, 2023 16:43 - 1 hour

The Federal Reserve has created a vicious and perpetual cycle of inflation. According to today’s guest, you should not buy into the propaganda of falling inflation. We’re joined by Alex Pollock, a banking expert at the Mises Institute, who is warning that the Federal Reserve is responsible for the housing affordability crisis. He explains in layman’s terms how the debt and the Federal Reserve’s manipulation of it are making life unaffordable for us on all fronts. He also warns that they are b...

Top Conservative Media Playing the Violin While Our Ship Sinks | 7/10/23

July 10, 2023 16:34 - 1 hour

Today, I take a meat cleaver to conservative influencers who have the ability to change the party but don’t. Tucker Carlson is widely acclaimed as the greatest voice on the Right, but if you watch carefully, he stops short of wielding his influence in the way it matters, at the time it matters, and toward whom it matters. I tweak his assertion that Trump successfully changed the Republican Party. In fact, the party is worse than ever, and Trump himself has contributed to that. As always, I do...

They Are Killing Our Bodies and Killing Our Economy | 7/7/23

July 07, 2023 16:19 - 57 minutes

Oh, nothing big, it’s just our bodies, fertility, and ability to afford human living on the line. Republicans feel no sense of urgency, but today I provide the policies and the messaging to prioritize seven demands in must-pass legislation. First, I delve into the latest data and studies showing the harm of vaccination, including to fertility, even as officials plan to unleash a COVID/flu/RSV combo vaccine for the fall. Next, I discuss how the economy is perfectly distorted and controlled to ...

The Case Against Trump from the Right that Conservative Media Is Too Scared to Recognize | Guest: Ken Cuccinelli | 7/6/23

July 06, 2023 16:20 - 1 hour

Trump knows where the deep state bodies are buried! He’s really angry this time! He is our revenge! We’ve heard all these talking points as if Trump was never president, but today’s guest warns us it’s all a lie. Ken Cuccinelli was deputy DHS secretary under Trump and is now supporting DeSantis. Why? Although nobody comes close to Trump in terms of showmanship, nobody comes close to DeSantis in terms of results. Yes, Trump is unconventional, but he is not anti-establishment. Cuccinelli offers...

How the Rainbow Jihad Has Co-opted Conservative Influencers | 7/5/23

July 05, 2023 18:28 - 57 minutes

The theme of today’s issue is why dissent of a minority is so important. The forces of the rainbow jihad are trying to create unanimity of opinion behind their agenda. I discuss the appalling outrage from phony conservative influencers regarding DeSantis’ ad exposing the “Pride” agenda and Trump’s troubling support for it. On that topic, I explain the true meaning of the rainbow in Genesis 9 and how we must stand against those trying to subvert its meaning. Finally, we introduce a “rampaging ...

'When a Long Train of Abuses and Usurpations …' | 7/3/23

July 03, 2023 16:00 - 1 hour

After a brief introduction, we replay last year’s blockbuster special July 4 show. I explain why the Constitution has basically become irrelevant and why the Declaration is now the more important document to guide us. We go in depth into the five major principles of the Declaration and apply them to our times. But it is the sixth principle – the right to throw off a tyrannical government – that matters. Unlike our founders, we don’t even need to fight a violent war to win our liberty back. It...

The Need to Codify SCOTUS Wins with Legislation | 6/30/23

June 30, 2023 16:50 - 59 minutes

What an amazing way to end the month of June headed into Independence Day. Today, I break down the key Supreme Court victories and the likely outcomes and consequences. Yes, they were good rulings, but they will not stop the Left from continuing to fight on. I issue action items at the state and federal levels to further codify religious liberty protections and also end affirmative action. Also, we should be wary about fighting the Left’s growing hatred for judicial supremacism. If anything, ...

'Bidenomics' and the Quest to Purposely Impoverish the American People | 6/29/23

June 29, 2023 16:30 - 58 minutes

Today’s show provides the winning economic message for any Republican candidate in the general election. Bidenomics is designed to ensure that no middle-income family can live with dignity and perpetuate the American standard of living. I explain how the government is purposely making us poor with a mix of debt servicing, Federal Reserve policies, and supply-side regulations that have made homes, cars, food, and fuel unaffordable for new families looking to climb the ladder. The endless trap ...

The Coming Vaccine Jihad on Our Children | Guest: Dr. Meryl Nass | 6/28/23

June 28, 2023 16:19 - 1 hour

One thing we all should have learned from the COVID experience is that not all is well in the land of mass vaccination and we need to rethink our approach to regulatory oversight. Instead of taking a pause, the FDA and CDC are about to blitz us with new approvals based on bad data. We’re joined today by Dr. Meryl Nass, a 42-year internist who is well-studied on all things vaccines. She watched all three days of the CDC’s advisory panel on vaccines recommend approval for so many new vaccines. ...

Phantom Notions About Illegal Alien Rights Lie at the Heart of Border Problem | Guest: Jessica Vaughan | 6/27/23

June 27, 2023 16:17 - 59 minutes

We suffer not from a lack of resources to end illegal immigration but from a lack of will and belief in sovereignty. Today, I review the false premise that birthright citizenship includes the children of illegal aliens. Nothing ever overrules the sovereignty of a nation. Unfortunately, our political leaders don’t believe we have the right to it. Later on, we’re joined by Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration studies, who lays out an interior enforcement plan for red state governors to...

Substance and Leadership vs. Soap Opera and Kingship | 6/26/23

June 26, 2023 17:13 - 57 minutes

Conservative commentators want to focus on the comedic relief of the Democratic primary to avoid taking a side in the GOP one. But the contrast could not be clearer: Do we want a king or a leader? Do we want substance and results, or do we want entertainment and a soap opera? I use DeSantis’ border plan as an opportunity to contrast his policies with Trump's — even on issues that on paper are very similar. Trump agrees with all these points, but he failed to deliver as president. I explain ex...

The American Right Is Righteous Except for When It Actually Matters | 6/23/23

June 23, 2023 16:37 - 59 minutes

Listen to your favorite conservative commentators and you will seldom disagree with any of their content. But where does it get us? Even Tucker, who is the best of the lot, will dance around the issue with a great monologue, but refuse to point the fire hose exactly to where the fire is. He dances around Trump and will not call him out on the vaccine issue, even while promoting RFK. Conservative media could have so much influence on primaries, red-state legislatures, and House GOP policies, b...

The Unassimilable Mass Migration Flooding our School System | Guest: Steven Camarota | 6/22/23

June 22, 2023 16:39 - 59 minutes

We have not even begun to digest the degree of social and economic transformation the border invasion has wrought upon our local communities. On today’s special show, we’re joined by Steven Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies, who discusses his new paper on the sheer magnitude of immigrant families overwhelming school districts. Nearly one in four children in American public school districts come from an immigrant family, increasingly from illegal immigrant pa...

Trump’s Shocking Betrayal on COVID Even 3 Years Later | 6/21/23

June 21, 2023 16:18 - 1 hour

We don’t fault Trump for panicking with lockdowns at first. We don’t fault him for thinking the vaccines would be good. But how is it that three years and reams of information later, he is to the left of even a lot of Democrats on these issues? Today, I delve into Trump’s Fox interview and show how on policy and personnel, he is still as weak as ever. We cannot afford to squander the opportunity we now have – with the public increasingly siding with us on the issues. We must floor the gas ped...

What Is the Trump Endgame? | Guest: Pedro Gonzalez | 6/20/23

June 20, 2023 16:19 - 1 hour

We are told that we crossed the Rubicon and we are fighting for our lives. We are told that no other issue matters other than uniting behind Trump. OK. So what is the plan? Today, I expand upon my colleague Steve Deace’s questions about the need for a plan to win the election and contend with a DOJ hell-bent on imprisoning Trump during a campaign. Moreover, we need answers as to how Trump will govern, even if he does win. We are joined by Pedro Gonzalez, who offers much-needed truth bombs on ...

A Once-in-a-Generation Chance to Push Back Against the Homosexual Agenda | 6/19/23

June 19, 2023 17:11 - 59 minutes

A new Gallup poll shows an unprecedented drop in support for same-sex relationships by 15 points among Republicans and even by six points among Democrats. Clearly, people are starting to see how this was never an issue of private love, but one of culture jamming and transformation. I explain how the homo-fascism and even transgendersim were an inevitable outcome of gay marriage. Now more than ever, we have a chance to push back against this agenda and reverse Obergefell. There is also an impo...

The Appalling Gap Between Conservative Rhetoric and Results | Guest: Todd Bensman | 6/16/23

June 16, 2023 16:51 - 58 minutes

Never have we faced so many existential threats to our way of life that continue to get worse, even as rhetorically we continue to have the better argument and enjoy majority support. Yet conservative leaders think we’re winning. I go through each issue and show the gap between conservative rhetoric and results. We’re joined by Todd Bensman, who explains that while we all think we are fighting illegal immigration, the problem is getting worse. Biden is hiding the invasion by routing illegal m...

Are We Going to Pretend the Pfizer Genocide Never Occurred? | 6/15/23

June 15, 2023 16:20 - 57 minutes

We never fight the issues that matter until it’s too late. The window for a reckoning on COVID genocide is closing fast as the establishment moves on to the next threats. Today, I explain what the reckoning should look like and offer an update on the Florida grand jury. Also, we delve into a new Pfizer vaccine injury reporting document that shows how the company was tracking injuries to every organ system from day one but remained silent. The breadth and scope of injury is so astounding, it c...

Why Is Kristi Noem Not Standing with Landowners Getting Attacked by Green Grift in SD? | Guest: Jared Bossly | 6/14/23

June 14, 2023 16:34 - 56 minutes

Donald Trump rightly said that government persecution will not stop with him. The problem is that it has already started, and nobody on the so-called Right seems to care. We begin by discussing the case of an Air Force captain still being punished for not getting a vaccine. House Republicans have failed to protect our military men on this Flag Day from the biomedical security state. Later, we’re joined by another persecuted American, Jared Bossly. Jared had his South Dakota farm condemned to ...

We Have Such Low Expectations of Republicans. Shame on Us | 6/13/23

June 13, 2023 16:22 - 59 minutes

We don’t achieve any results because all our side cares about is our standing relative to Democrats. This is why as long as we have a Republican, we never strive for more. I tie this into judicial nominees as well. We had the opportunity to get three justices in the mold of Clarence Thomas, but none of them are, and Barrett and Kavanaugh have been particularly problematic on many critical civilization issues. I discuss how Kavanaugh just screwed us on a major redistricting case that can flip ...

Can We Actually Fight and Die on Our Own Hills? | 6/12/23

June 12, 2023 16:40 - 57 minutes

In today’s information-packed show, I ask the following question: Will we aimlessly focus on Trump all year, ignore every other important issue, play into the Left’s hands with the election, and not even end the rogue prosecutions? Or will we actually use the budget leverage and reauthorization bills to fight on all the issues that matter, including the prosecution of Trump (and all of us), in a way that will actually accomplish something and resonate more with independent voters? I also delv...

The J6 Capitol Hill Police Lieutenant Who Blames Police Leadership for J6 Failures | Guest: Tarik “T.K.” Johnson | 6/9/23

June 09, 2023 16:25 - 1 hour

On today’s special show, after giving initial thoughts on Trump’s indictment, we’ll be joined by Tarik “T.K.” Johnson, a 23-year veteran of the Capitol Hill police. He was the officer who evacuated the Senate and House chambers and has now become a whistleblower against Assistant Chief Yogananda Pittman, accusing her of sitting on intel and setting up the officers for failure. Tarik believes that J6 was not an insurrection, but a coup led by corrupt leadership inside the Capitol. He believes ...

Green Energy Has Negative Efficacy Just Like the COVID Shots | 6/8/23

June 08, 2023 16:47 - 57 minutes

Today, we cover numerous hot-button issues. Green energy is not only ineffective, but there are new stories showing how it is actually detrimental to the environment. Not only do wind turbines, solar panels, carbon-capture facilities, and the production of electric vehicles require large amounts of fossil fuel use, but the end results of all will destroy America’s landscape. The amount of land that is needed to sustain this scam is untenable, which is why a repeal of the green new deal must b...

The Top Issues over Which Republicans Must Be Willing to Shut Down the Gov’t | 6/7/23

June 07, 2023 16:19 - 57 minutes

Just because McCarthy sold us out on the debt ceiling doesn’t mean we should allow the agreement to stand for the appropriations bills. Today, I go through a number of demands that Republicans should make in the budget bills and refuse to abandon as we head toward the Sept. 30 funding deadline. I explain why we cannot wait until 2025 to deal with political targeting, the green-energy sabotage of our lives, the transgender jihad, the border invasion, or the biomedical security state. In partic...

From the Greatest Generation to the Sickest Generation | 6/6/23

June 06, 2023 16:11 - 56 minutes

Today, we commemorate the 79th anniversary of D-day by noting that those brave boys could have never imagined they’d be fighting for a country like the one we live in today. We are the sickest generation in body, mind, and soul. I explain how we are at a crossroads in the Rainbow Jihad and have the ability to push the Overton window back, but reluctant Republicans are harming us. Moreover, those running the courts, including a Trump appointee, are trying to enshrine drag shows into the First ...

Why Iowa Is So Important This Election Cycle l Guest: Steve Deace | 6/5/23

June 05, 2023 17:00 - 57 minutes

I begin today’s show by noting we will never change politics without a change in political leadership. The debt ceiling fight certainly showed us that. But are conservative voters even interested in substance? Possibly not, but as my colleague Steve Deace says on today’s show, we are lucky that the first state to vote is one that takes the process more seriously. Steve explains how the Iowa caucuses are a parochial process that are skewed not just toward committed church-goers but also toward...

Biden Might Have Fallen, but He Is Owning the GOP on Policy Outcomes | Guest: Rep. Chip Roy | 6/2/23

June 02, 2023 15:58 - 1 hour

All my colleagues are laughing about Biden stumbling and wandering in public. But the laugh is on us. He is killing us on policy because we have fake leaders in the GOP. And yes, that includes McCarthy and Trump. I explain how Trump is responsible for undermining our leverage against McCarthy, then remained silent on the debt limit fight, allowing Biden to clean his clock. Trump also disqualified himself from the nomination by refusing to recognize even the problems with the COVID shots, much...

Pandemic of Mental Contagion, Autism, Mass Hyper-Vaccination, and the Rise of Transgenderism | 6/1/23

June 01, 2023 05:00 - 1 hour

Today, we cover some of the most vexing issues of our time with Dr. Peter McCullough. Based on his research, he has developed a theory that in addition to the cultural grooming, gender dysphoria has been turbocharged by the rise of autism, and the bad actors in culture and medicine preying upon vulnerability. He posits that the autistic are already more susceptible to this sort of mental illness, and when they are pumped up with excess testosterone, it also leads to more violence. There is a ...

McCarthy Purposely Screwed Over Conservatives | 5/31/23

May 31, 2023 16:54 - 1 hour

Kevin McCarthy didn’t get outmaneuvered by Joe Biden. I review the provisions of the debt ceiling betrayal bill to show how each one was deviously crafted to give the impression of a conservative victory, but actually makes us worse off than we’d be under a clean, short-term debt limit increase. We’re joined by Rep. Dan Bishop, who is calling for a motion to vacate the chair. He warns that McCarthy’s behavior demonstrates he will get worse from here and screw us on other fights as well. He al...

Debt Ceiling Deal Was Worse than Malpractice, It Was Malfeasance | 5/30/23

May 30, 2023 05:00 - 56 minutes

McCarthy’s debt ceiling bill was not just a sellout; it was an act of political adultery. Today, I break down the details and the background of the deal in a way you will not hear elsewhere. I explain what went wrong with the messaging and how McCarthy turned the debt ceiling brinksmanship into a plague to be avoided rather than an opportunity. It is literally better to pass a short-term increase than this bill. It will make it impossible to fight Biden for the remainder of his presidency. I ...

Why Trump’s Horrendous Budget Bills Still Matter Today | 5/25/23

May 25, 2023 17:02 - 1 hour

Today, I offer you the history of Trump’s presidency like nobody else has done. Every single budget bill he signed had almost unanimous Democrat support but was opposed by DeSantis and the Freedom Caucus. They were acts of political adultery that we are still languishing from to this very day. We are where we are today on debt, inflation, and the border because of Trump’s failure. We continue to fail because we don’t focus on a mission. The Left doesn’t have that problem. I read a list of doz...

D-Day: What DeSantis’ Announcement Means | Guest: Dave Reaboi | 5/24/23

May 24, 2023 16:29 - 1 hour

First, we’re at a crossroads in the fight for civilization with gender sanity. We’re actually turning the corner on a cultural issue for once – with the successful pushback against Target and Bud Light. But will that victory endure? How does the presidential election factor into this calculus? I’m joined by Dave Reaboi, a Claremont Institute fellow and DeSantis supporter, who makes the case for why Ron DeSantis will help serve as a rising tide for our agenda. He explains why, even though he’s...

Voiceless: Why We Need a National Advocate for Our Ideas | 5/23/23

May 23, 2023 16:27 - 57 minutes

Continuing our discussion from yesterday, the biggest thing we lack is a national advocate who properly messages our policies and strategies. I offer an update on the debt ceiling, how Republicans are failing to properly message our position, and how they are accentuating the false talking point of default on the debt. We need to focus primarily on the quality of spending, such as the green new deal, illegal aliens, and Ukraine, not on random across-the-board cuts or welfare programs. Focus o...

In What Ways the Presidential Primary Matters and Doesn’t | 5/22/23

May 22, 2023 18:18 - 1 hour

Today, I offer my initial thoughts on why it’s important that DeSantis win the nomination. I don’t think the presidential election matters much in terms of our ability to fix the federal government. I don’t think anyone can, and I think we instead need to focus on red-state interposition. But where it does matter is in terms of setting the tone for the sort of candidates, policies, strategies, and messages we need for our other endeavors. Trump gives us headwinds, while DeSantis offers us tai...

The Man Who Found DNA Toxins in Pfizer & Moderna Vials | Guest: Kevin McKernan | 5/19/23

May 19, 2023 15:51 - 1 hour

It’s not just the spike protein and the mRNA that are a problem. Microbiologist Kevin McKernan pioneered research on testing some of the COVID vaccine vials and discovered unacceptable levels of double-stranded DNA plasmids floating around. He joins us today to warn that there is no quality control in the manufacturing process of these vaccines. If his findings turn out to be widespread, it could portend an even greater risk for anaphylaxis, blood clotting, developing resistance to antibiotic...

How to Use the Debt Ceiling as a Tool for the Reckoning Against Abusive Government | Guest: Rep. Chip Roy | 5/18/23

May 18, 2023 16:38 - 59 minutes

Hearings and media interviews are all talk. The success of the GOP Congress boils down to just a few leverage points, such as the debt ceiling and appropriation bills. Today, I do a deep dive into the mechanics of the debt ceiling fight, what we hope to get from it, and how the important thing is to break the precedent of GOP cowardice so we can use whatever gains we secure to expand upon it during the budget fight. We’re joined by Rep. Chip Roy, who explains the priorities he is fighting for...

We Have an Industry Focused on Fame, not a Movement Focused on Outcomes | 5/17/23

May 17, 2023 16:17 - 56 minutes

Why has the conservative industry failed to deliver on almost any issue in decades? Why do things get worse even in red states? Why do we continue to nominate more Mitch McConnell-style Republicans in primaries? Today’s show is not for the faint of heart, but I serve up the truth 100 proof. We have an industry that is incentivized to focus on brand-building rather than on policy and political outcomes, even in states where Democrats have little influence. The conservative industry has no inte...

The Origins of the Border Invasion Strategically Flowing Through Panama | Guest: Michael Yon | 5/16/23

May 16, 2023 16:15 - 57 minutes

What you see at the border is not chaos. It is a methodically planned invasion that is perpetrated by global NGOs with the support of our own government. We’re joined by famed war correspondent and former Green Beret Michael Yon, who briefs us on his conversation with migrants at all stages of the migration trail all over Central and South America. The Darien Gap in Panama is the linchpin to all migration from around the world and can easily be shut off. Yon reports on finding well-educated C...

Not a Single COVID Crime Has Been Rectified | 5/15/23

May 15, 2023 17:25 - 1 hour

Today, I review all of the COVID crimes and show how each one is actually continuing without any reforms in place. Gain-of-function research is still continuing, hospital incentives for killer protocols are funded with billions of dollars, and now officials are on to the next version of Operation Warp Speed with the RSV shots. We have new information on how more people died from ventilators than from COVID itself, how the clot shots are harming pregnant women, and how the RSV shots are danger...

Weapons of Mass Migration Subverting Our Birthright | 5/12/23

May 12, 2023 17:06 - 56 minutes

You don’t have hundreds of thousands of people organically pile up at our border without methodical orchestration. Today, we’re joined by Joseph Humire, executive director of the Center for a Secure Free Society and one of the foremost experts on Latin American affairs. He explains how the Venezuelan and Chinese governments work with NGOs to orchestrate this invasion as part of a weaponized strategy of asymmetric warfare. The objective is to subvert us from within and advance the idea of disi...

What Do We Do About the Uniparty Problem? | 5/11/23

May 11, 2023 17:11 - 1 hour

Everyone is focused on the presidential election and the CNN town hall, but we are getting crushed on every major issue, including the border invasion, right now. We can’t wait until 2025. I go through several examples of red-state Republicans screwing us on major issues with no hope for better Republicans rising up in the primaries. This has been going on for years. Trump promised to break the uniparty, but he is now the most indispensable component to keeping the base back from challenging ...

Stop Talking About the Border While Doing Nothing About It | Guest: Ken Cuccinelli | 5/10/23

May 10, 2023 17:00 - 1 hour

Everyone on the Right laments the border, but nobody is demanding the states do what it takes to stop it. The perfect example is Governor Greg Abbott. We’re joined today by former Deputy DHS Secretary Ken Cuccinelli, who accuses Abbott of looking busy and doing nothing while refusing to actually repel the invasion. He explains why Operation Lone Star has been a failure and a waste. Later on, Ken gives a unique critique of the Trump administration and how it was full of swamp creatures who mad...

Invading Our Bodies, Border, Souls, and Minds | 5/9/23

May 09, 2023 17:00 - 58 minutes

Why do you think everything our government does is for population control but then it doesn't mind millions of foreign nationals invading our border? It’s because in order to invade our bodies, minds, and souls and control us forever, officials need to replace We the People with a new population they believe will be compliant. Today, I offer the historical context of the border invasion and demonstrate how it is being done on purpose. We also discuss how Trump failed to deal with the issue wh...

How the Border Invasion Is Colonizing Rural Parts of American | Guest: Todd Bensman | 5/8/23

May 08, 2023 15:42 - 58 minutes

The invasion at the border is not just a border problem and is not just plaguing our major cities. Todd Bensman, senior national security fellow with the Center for Immigration Studies, joins us to discuss the background of the Cleveland, Texas, illegal alien accused of killing five people. It turns out that Liberty County, Texas, is the site of the largest illegal alien colony, and it is saturated with a culture of violence and cartel culture. Bensman believes we have not even begun to actua...

The South Dakota Climate Land Grab Is the Biggest Issue Ignored by the Right | Guest: Rep. Jon Hansen | 5/5/23

May 05, 2023 15:25 - 1 hour

In God’s country of rural South Dakota, Republican donors are pushing the carbon capture climate agenda to build fake pipelines to transition to Agenda 2030’s net zero goal. They are stealing private land in order to do so. Why is there no pressure from South Dakota Republicans to defend the landowners? We’re joined by state Rep. Jon Hansen, who is one of the few standing for the landowners. He explains how Republicans in red states are stuck acting on the muscle memory of being pro-corporati...

Conservative Media Is MIA on Every Issue That Matters | 5/4/23

May 04, 2023 16:53 - 57 minutes

Yes, we know Biden sucks. But what will you actually do about it? Today I go through important issues, like medical freedom, vaccine genocide, energy policy, and the war on cars, in which conservative media is failing to pressure red-state governments to make the right policy choices. The RSV shots were just approved, and they are an exercise in human experimentation. Yet nobody will touch the issue. I also explain why we need to wage war on electric vehicles and the GOP governors who promote...

Top 5 Bombshells About COVID Jabs from European Government Documents | Guest: Sonia Elijah | 5/3/23

May 03, 2023 18:00 - 1 hour

The COVID mandates might have ended, but the human experimentation continues. I warn how companies and governments are about to unleash RSV vaccines that are just as deadly. The policies have still not changed. Next, we are joined by U.K. investigative journalist Sonia Elijah, who has discovered documents from Pfizer’s partner BioNTech and the European Medicines Agency that show how they knew from day one that the shots are dangerous to all people, cause injuries in every organ system, are pa...

Why Making Red States Red Is More Vital than Who Becomes President | Guest: Andy Roth | 5/2/23

May 02, 2023 18:07 - 1 hour

Today, I explain why I would rather win back red states than have my favorite individual in the Oval Office. We’re joined by Andy Roth of the Freedom Caucus Network, who explains how the organization is successfully exposing the fake Republicans in red states through votes, messaging, primaries, and county GOP censure votes. Until now, we’ve been led by people like John McCain and Mitt Romney because our movement never tried to separate from the establishment and expose it in the eyes of the ...

What Conservatives Can Learn from Democrats in Minnesota | 5/1/23

May 01, 2023 16:31 - 58 minutes

The minute Democrats won a trifecta in Minnesota, they passed every single extreme measure, even though they command tiny majorities in the legislature. Yet Republicans have supermajorities in half the states, and not only do they fail to pass good bills, but they are continuing to make things worse on a number of key issues, such as green energy. I also give the example of illegal immigration, where Florida is the only state doing what it takes to combat this big national issue. Texas Gov. G...


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