In this episode, Jodi explains where co-dependency & control come from and how they can affect (and "infect") our children, as well as what to do to inoculate our children against these emotional maladies.

Co-dependency is an irresponsible attachment to people and/or things; I want that person or thing to “take care” of me, be responsible for me, “make me feel better,” or “rescue me” (control me). Co-dependency is addiction; I attach to other people—or things, or emotions, or food, or money—to “extract” value and worth from them, so I can feel/be “enough,” “whole,” “wanted,” “valued,” and “needed.”

Care-taking is a dishonest and manipulative attempt to “make” you or someone else meet my needs. Care-taking looks like I am giving to an­other person, yet it is not a gift and it is not free. I am “giving” with an agenda and expectation that I will receive something in return.

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