What is selfishness? What causes it? Why do so many of us struggle to let go of our self-focused attitudes and habits? And why is selfishness on the rise in the 21st century? In this two-episode series, Jodi breaks down the topic of selfishness: what it is, where it comes from, and how to shift out of it. 

Selfishness is NOT an intentional attitude for us as humans. When we behave selfishly, it's not that we are bad people, or that we are trying to be rude, unfriendly, or mean. It's not that we want to destroy or end relationships. Selfishness is not an attitude we want or are even aware of in ourselves. We engage in selfishness when we are afraid that we are out of control! Selfishness is a desperate attempt to control! We fear vulnerability and our inability to control our vulnerability. From that place of fear, we believe distortions and become self-focused (selfish).                   

In the 21st century, many of the younger generation are being enabled to engage in incredible selfishness. As parents, mentors, teachers, leaders and friends, we have the charge to understand selfishness and invite our loved ones out of it—and into the Truth.

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