Hosted by Jodi Hildebrandt We always have choice, and with the power of our choice, we can choose humility or pride. Humility opens us to Truth and frees us from illusions—illusions of hatred & bigotry. Living in humility creates an experience of freedom from the illusion of being in control of your external world. Pride is a cover-up for The Voice (shame), and comes from the same source. Humility allows us to feel gratitude, pure love, wisdom, and the ability to empathize with and love others unconditionally—without being judgmental of behavior, but rather recognizing the power of peoples’ spirits. (Note: this does not mean condoning inappropriate behavior. It does mean having compassion for others). Humility is the ability to keep commitments, grow, change, mature and live in gratitude and faith. The choice to engage humility or pride is a choice regarding how we will act, how we will think, how we will perceive and how we will feel. We each have the power to choose humility and Truth.

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