The discipline of time management


Time management is a discipline! You need to make it a priority and stop letting people control your time for you.


Be intentional with your time


Take a look at “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change” by Stephen Covey. His first three will really help focus on time management:


Be proactive Take control of your time Begin with the end in mind Always think about how you want the thing you are working on to end. Set a clear goal. Do first things first Do the productive and effective priorities first before anything else.


Find a technology that you will use. You don’t have to be digital if that doesn’t work for you. Plenty of people still use paper calendars. You need to make sure that you actually block time out and stick to it.


This is a mindset and it takes work


You need to be clear on why you’re are doing this. This is crucial! If you are not clear on “why” or what is motivating you then this will fall apart. Be honest with yourself about the work that needs to be done. We all know there are times that we just don’t want to follow through, but you need to be committed to taking action on the items that you have set forth. “Act as if”. It’s not pretending to be something that you are not but it’s about framing your mind and putting it in the mindset of where you need to be.


We are always growing and expanding. Don’t feel that you need to master this. Just take the steps to grow and take action.