At this time of year, many women are feeling cross and frustrated with themselves because it's already November and those plans to change job, go back to work or get that promotion, have fallen by the wayside, and already we're on the run-in to Christmas.

Instead of focusing on how little time you have left, I encourage you to focus on how much you can get done in the time available. And that's why I have launched #NailItNovember

Join me to discover how you too can nail it in November and get the career success that you deserve. I'll share with you the exact same strategies that I use myself and that I share with my one-to-one clients. 

Look after No 1 first so that everything you do works for you Focus on your mindset Let go of perfect Start with ‘No’ Take responsibility and ownership for the changes you want Get productive and take action Mentioned on the show and other useful links Find out more about #NailItNovember and how I can help you nail your career success Book your place at City Conversations Talk to Sherry to discover how to get career success Ask your questions and share your feedback Comment on the show notes below Tweet me @SherryRB using #ConfidentConversations Get in touch with me directly here Subscribe, rate and review in iTunes <> For more Confident Conversations connect with me On Twitter @SherryRB On LinkedIn Like The Confident Mother Facebook page Get career, confidence & leadership tips direct in your Inbox every week when you sign up to The Confidence Guide

At this time of year, many women are feeling cross and frustrated with themselves because it's already November and those plans to change job, go back to work or get that promotion, have fallen by the wayside, and already we're on the run-in to Christmas.

Instead of focusing on how little time you have left, I encourage you to focus on how much you can get done in the time available. And that's why I have launched #NailItNovember

Join me to discover how you too can nail it in November and get the career success that you deserve. I'll share with you the exact same strategies that I use myself and that I share with my one-to-one clients. 

Look after No 1 first so that everything you do works for you Focus on your mindset Let go of perfect Start with ‘No’ Take responsibility and ownership for the changes you want Get productive and take action Mentioned on the show and other useful links Find out more about #NailItNovember and how I can help you nail your career success Book your place at City Conversations Talk to Sherry to discover how to get career success Ask your questions and share your feedback Comment on the show notes below Tweet me @SherryRB using #ConfidentConversations Get in touch with me directly here Subscribe, rate and review in iTunes  For more Confident Conversations connect with me On Twitter @SherryRB On LinkedIn Like The Confident Mother Facebook page Get career, confidence & leadership tips direct in your Inbox every week when you sign up to The Confidence Guide

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