LinkedIn has more than 467M users; there are 6.5M active job listings; and 94% of recruiters use LinkedIn to vet candidates. The facts are hard to ignore. LinkedIn IS an essential tool in your career toolkit, whether you are looking to return to work after a career break or redundancy, thinking about your next career move or applying for promotion.

To get noticed on LinkedIn to improve your career prospects, you need to:

demonstrate your knowledge and expertise showcase your achievements and experience establish your personal and professional brand prove that you have the right connections provide social proof display professionalism and integrity

In this episode, I share with you the practical steps that I use myself and that I share with all my one-to-one and LinkedIn Confidence clients.

Mentioned on the show and other useful links Find out more about my self-paced 5 module LinkedIn Confidence course  Listen to Confident Conversations episode 13 on the 7 Essentials for your LinkedIn profile Explore how to work with Sherry on a one-to-one basis Ask your questions and share your feedback Comment on the show notes below Tweet me @SherryRB using #ConfidentConversations Get in touch with me directly here Subscribe, rate and review in iTunes <> For more Confident Conversations connect with me On Twitter @SherryRB On LinkedIn Like The Confident Mother Facebook page Get career, confidence & leadership tips direct in your Inbox every week when you sign up to The Confidence Guide Book your complimentary LinkedIn review call

LinkedIn has more than 467M users; there are 6.5M active job listings; and 94% of recruiters use LinkedIn to vet candidates. The facts are hard to ignore. LinkedIn IS an essential tool in your career toolkit, whether you are looking to return to work after a career break or redundancy, thinking about your next career move or applying for promotion.

To get noticed on LinkedIn to improve your career prospects, you need to:

demonstrate your knowledge and expertise showcase your achievements and experience establish your personal and professional brand prove that you have the right connections provide social proof display professionalism and integrity

In this episode, I share with you the practical steps that I use myself and that I share with all my one-to-one and LinkedIn Confidence clients.

Mentioned on the show and other useful links Find out more about my self-paced 5 module LinkedIn Confidence course  Listen to Confident Conversations episode 13 on the 7 Essentials for your LinkedIn profile Explore how to work with Sherry on a one-to-one basis Ask your questions and share your feedback Comment on the show notes below Tweet me @SherryRB using #ConfidentConversations Get in touch with me directly here Subscribe, rate and review in iTunes  For more Confident Conversations connect with me On Twitter @SherryRB On LinkedIn Like The Confident Mother Facebook page Get career, confidence & leadership tips direct in your Inbox every week when you sign up to The Confidence Guide Book your complimentary LinkedIn review call

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