Emily Siegel is a corporate working mom and the host of The Connected Mom Life Podcast, where she focuses on tangible tips for moms to build their village and community of support, and make authentic connections that they can cultivate.

Emily knows a thing or two about building connections, as she's moved her family across country a couple of times, and she shares on the podcast her best advice for finding and building a village even at times when you feel so alone and like no-one will have the time or capacity to welcome you in as a new connection.

With this year being in a pandemic and maybe not connecting as much as we'd like, the advice in this episode will get you feeling excited to start building your village, something all of us as moms could use to not feel so alone, especially this year during a pandemic and when our lives are so drastically shifting.

Find Emily at The Connected Mom Life and @theconnectedmomlife on Instagram.

Emily also just launched a brand new Mastermind called Fierce Friends, a six-week long mastermind to help you find your people so you can skip the small talk and go straight to the good stuff doing life together.

Sign-up here:

Fierce Friends Mastermind