Today we speak with Will Masters from Ogallala Life. Ogallala Life mission is to utilize web3 technologies to design, develop, and implement sustainable water utilization and farming practices that optimize the value and productivity of America’s breadbasket.

Ogallala Life a group of multi-disciplinary professionals who believe in stewardship. Their aim is to destroy the very real and imminent threat of food and water scarcity in America caused by the desertification of fertile land, water depletion, and contamination. Ogallala Life educates farmers on sustainable techniques and incentivize them to ensure these practices are implemented. They fund projects using smart contract-enabled markets and cryptocurrencies.

This episode is part of the RWA x ReFi Report which is made possible by the Climate Collective ( and brought to you by .basin (

In this episode:

00:00 Real World Assets for Regenerative Finance
01:18 Will Masters Ogallala Life, Horseshoe Capital, Regen Network
01:57 Clean Water, Water Supply Ogallala Aqufifer
03:03 connecting the metaverse to IRL / #RWA
03:30 real property / personal property / mineral interest / water interest
03:40 fractionalized interests
03:54 title insurance / financing
04:10 title expenses
04:20 real estate blockchain
04:45 world's greatest amount of wealth is real world assets / RWA
04:54 DeFi Real Estate
05:12 efficiencies of scale and time
05:45 Horseshoe Capital, private placement memorandums, PPM's
06:06 tokenize real world interests
06:15 Ethereum, Cosmos IBC
06:42 blockchain's determination of ownership
06:51 blockchain and defi have enabled different organizational structures and treasury structures for token issuance and fundraising
07:12 securities laws and tokens
07:21 rule of code to the rule of law
07:33 current legal system or a new system?
07:48 legacy institutions and accounting for human fallibility
08:09 wallets, immutability, transaction history
08:21 governmental bodies that could be supplanted by blockchain
9:03 ownership, leasing and use of real estate
09:24 law and policy
09:36 property liability, casualty insurance, title insurance
10:03 efficiencies of our service industries, AI, law, robotics
10:18 tokenize LLC or tokenize property
11:24 lowering real estate transaction costs and what is the basis of wealth: real property property
11:48 distributed ownership, collective commons
11:54 zoning, local laws, federal laws
12:27 Roman Law / English Law
13:03 collective ownership structure for planetary / landscape scale regeneration
13:42 regenerative services, leasing the land for Regenerative purposes and reconnecting communities
13:57 incentivize people versus the outright ownership exchange
14:03 Usufruct: use of the land and the rights of the of the land versus the fruit of the land or the control of the land.
14:12 stewardship as a service
15:21 hope for defi and refi
15:33 enough data provided about an asset exchange
15:57 unlock the value of natural assets in a way that makes it so that improved land and biological conditions equal improved money
16:18 imperialistic private property concepts
16:24 better governance structures
16:39 Aldo Leopold "what is right? It's what is right for the land"
16:57 incentivize landowners to do better
17:03 harmful subsidies and traditional agriculture
17:18 changing the incentives for better outcomes
17:27 private capital, real property law, tax law, policy, rule of law
18:42 DeFi to ReFi
18:51 internet of blockchains, IBC, Regen Network, $REGEN
19:36 carbon sequestration, incentivize watersheds and wetlands
19:42 Shamba geospatial Oracle, dMRV
20:09 not just carbon, but also everything else, biodiversity, pollination, habitat, etc
20:18 hardware and data
21:15 education is key for regeneration and restoration
21:24 Ecorise
21:36 Terra Luna colapse
22:09 ReFi Punks NFT's, Refi is part of refi Zone
23:03 landscape rehydration focused efforts in the Southern and central Plains
23:51 Ogallala Aquifer: one six of the world's grain is grown here. And it is groundwater mining.
24:01 pumping water to irrigate monoculture, killed the soils, no intact prairie
24:18 income inequality and racial inequality
25:00 the white male problem
25:15 distributed ownership v centralized ownership

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