RWA for ReFi

Real World Asset Projects in Gitcoin GR15 from ReFiFriday RWA Twitter Space

Gitcoin is not just for software! GR15 is funding millions of dollars for public goods, including, real on the ground, real world asset projects (RWA’s).

Check out these RWA projects, almost all being built for ReFi (Regenerative Finance), ranging from climate, law, legal, solar, trees, real estate, property, endangered species, energy, art, NFT’s, aquifers, water, building reuse, regenerative agriculture, carbon, nature, impact and more….

Learn about and donate to these 39 awesome projects even if just a $1 or DAI or USDC each.... Only $39....

00:00:20 Stay Open. Pod hotel communities for digital nomads in repurposed buildings. NFT membership: Stay Pass. Seed funding @staydao
00:02:10 adaptive reuse of buildings, functionally obsolete buildings, digital nomad aspect 
00:03:30 open space, nature component, interoperable composable real estate and public art 
00:04:00 property could be used for nature, biodiversity, carbon sequestration, or, this part of the, this building can be used for educational purposes, by opening up smart contracts like basically mini lease agreements. 
00:05:00 funding public goods - blockchain, web3, open source software, climate, decentralized science, equity, diversity, inclusion, DeSci, ReSci, MRV, dMRV
00:05:50 RWA property real world assets.
00:06:10 Metaverse to IRL: tying it back to real on the ground climate action, social impact, nature action, overlap with refi and RWA. 
00:06:50 Lex DAO - legal engineering | crypto law
00:07:10 taterDAO Real world assets on-chain. Agriculture / Real Estate. RWA / Blockchain
00:07:20 RWA Consortium and KaliDAO LLC - When DAOs get real with real property. LexDao baby DAO forged with ETH and Ricardian series LLC.
00:09:40 quadratic funding and refi orbs!!
00:10:50 web3beach Social and environmental impact in Honduras 
00:14:20 ReCommon (RegenCLT)Establishing common ground for the resilient communities of our future where natural building, permaculture, Web3 economics, good urbanism, and regen ag meet.
00:18:10 rights of nature. Endangered Tokens: Invest in a Tree - Preserve-&-Earn - Tokenizing Endangered Trees & preserving them
00:24:40 ECORISE FINANCE - Blockchain solution for investing in Natural Capital an IMPACTDAO
00:27:30 Ben West from Gitcoin -
00:29:00 Blue Morpha Ocean Innovations - Climate-tech, Ocean-tech, Decentralized Utility Cooperative 
00:31:10 New Atlantis Ocean Regen & Marine Biodiversity Metagenomics
00:31:20 Regen Network around stewardship and practice based methodologies
00:31:40 SilviDAO is helping build economic and coordination tools to contribute to the trillion tree target.
00:35:20 angry teenagers TheAngryTeenagers 4,900 Angry Teenagers are coming to Tezos! They're living in a dystopian present. They're here to bring destroyed land back to life and create a better world
00:49:30 CougarDAO and basinDAO all these different real world asset projects
00:49:40 RWA stack, basinStack: Subsurface rights or air rights or legal or title, biodiversity and water, quality, water, quantity social impact carbon, habitat, defi apps we see a use case for insurance debt, equity, liquidity. 
00:51:10 Ogallala Life: Ancient roots, global inspiration and web3 tools to rehydrate the high plains
00:53:10 block Explorer. Catalyzing Web3 education especially focused on NFTs, Impact, Community + Regenerative Finance
00:54:50 Helios☀️ - next gen financial infrastructure powering high impact solar projects in emerging markets
01:03:10 harmony with nature - Ostrom's principles for managing the commons.
01:07:00 Khalon Bridge - Advancing the web3 economy in Africa by building a new world
01:14:50 regenerative agriculture movement - Ed Bourgeois -50+ yrs farming and food systems experience local to global - innovations and global farmer transition strategies
01:16:00 lease agreements, the contracts, climate lease
01:18:10 #ReFiFriday.
01:19:50 perpetual stewardship
01:20:10 Regen Hemp farmers in Turkey
01:21:40 MRV 101
01:24:40 Alejandro - Kokonut Network - Building the Infrastructure to Connect Web3 with Agriculture - "Unlimited Scalable Perpetual Nature Backed Assets"
01:25:50 RWA Circle at ReFiDAO - ReFi Founder's Circles - a cohort-based peer network of ReFi founders that meet regularly and get access to support from leading product, development design, and legal DAOs
01:26:10 Darren ReFi Bootcamp and ReGen Knowledge Graph and centree
01:27:20 $BASIN - sourcing and discovering properties for regenerative projects: climate carbon and nature projects. Scaling land restoration and conservation and the value of natural capital.
01:28:40 Rex St John - Organizing web3 ecosystems and communities. Developer Relations - ReFiSummit Organizer
01:30:00 White House Natural Capital / Natural Assets
01:30:50 proof of elephant

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