Investing in Biodiversity with Endangered Tokens | RWA x ReFi Report

Today we speak with Ignacio Puga Co-Founder & CEO of Endangered Tokens


"A real life Scarce living being that needs to be found, registered and be kept alive for future generations." Endangered Tokens mission is to form a decentralized #investment community for #biodiversity preservation, giving Value and governance to stakeholders through Crypto Assets. They create digital collectible assets with blockchain technology that stands for a threatened tree specimen that needs our help to be kept safe within their fragile environment.

This episode is part of the RWA x ReFi Report which is made possible by the Climate Collective ( and brought to you by .basin (

In this episode:

00:00 Real World Assets for Regenerative Finance (RWA for ReFi)
01:21 refi world cohort Ignacio from
01:24 endangered tokens
01:54 ReFi Friday Twitter Spaces (ReFiFriday)
02:03 refi movement, Moving DeFi to ReFi 
02:48 hydraulic engineer, entrepreneur, crypto geek, surfer, gamer, and food lover.
02:54 sustainable ecosystems are the base of everything.
03:00 Highly convinced that cryptocurrencies will save the the world 
03:09 life is something to be experienced
03:36 The system is flawed, capitalism, money system
03:51 cryptocurrency brings opportunity, democratic opportunity 03:57 tool of value exchanging
04:06 sustainable and regenerative
05:00 incentives for the outcomes we want to see 
06:21 collaboration 
06:54 sustainability on planet earth
07:18 incentives for regenerating
07:27 intrinsic value 
07:36 overview of what Endangered Tokens is 
07:42 the intrinsic value of the trees
08:06 forests are living beings
08:15 intrinsic value is subtle
08:42 endangered species
08:54 saving their spirit with the blockchain 
09:06 piece of art that nature created, is the value, history, genomes 
09:21 whole ecosystems
09:36 Ents from the Lord of the Rings, guardians of the forest
09:54 taking care of the rest of the creatures
10:15 tokenizing the real life in order to save it 
10:42 Bitcoin "Change my mind" meme, 21 million Bitcoin but only 4,000 Queule trees (Gomortega Keule) 
11:00 create the system that can actually hold that value within these tokens
11:06 bolts of the world will be the the forest 
11:24 forest protection, liquidity of the value
11:39 store of value should be the forest 
12:12 Queule trees (Gomortega Keule) is a very rare genome, no other trees in the world like it
12:36 loss of predators / keystone species prevents the tree from reproducing
13:00 funding more research, mapping the biggest threats
13:51 dendrochronology: thousand years old trees
14:30 3D models of the trees to create a biodiversity credit on Regen Network
14:48 ENTS NFT, you become godparent of the tree
14:57 digital value for each tree
15:06 3D modeling of the trees as digital assets for video games, movies, augmented reality that has real world impact, 
16:18 real world applications and real world impact
16:45 experimenting with these new tools but the real world value of the tree is what is going to keep them alive
17:27 clearing the trees for cattle and fuel and farming
18:24 mono crop pines and eucalyptus for the forest industry
20:00 greenwashing
20:51 no incentives for planting native trees 
21:42 building on Polygon
22:33 tokenomics, land owner payments, research, science, 3D models, replicas. 
23:42 unreal engine 3D model, augmented reality virtual reality of the forest and trees, translated into media music, you will hear the language of the tree and the music made by the tree, the heartbeat of the tree
24:42 the frequency and vibration of the tree and truly experience of the forest
25:45 poems of the tree and a truly personal experience with that particular tree 
26:42 #conservation, Chile Royal Decree of Conservation.
27:42 more incentive to keep the tree alive, payment or revenue stream besides the intrinsic value and have real monetary value
30:06 generative pixel art collection of 10,000 pieces 
32:15 the different layers of value around real estate, holistic real estate development, conservation development 
33:00 hydro mapping and basin mapping, beautiful colored basins and watersheds, hydraulic engineering background
33:18 project for the Chilean government, modeling the underground water and the surface water until 2060
33:45 Will Masters, Ogallala Life, Landscape Rehydration

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